Politica antifrode

Politica antifrode


Seeing the endemic problem that the use of SMS as a method to commit crimes of Phising and SPAM is supposing worldwide, Net Real Solutions S.L.U. and ATENEA MOBILE S.A.S. sign the following anti-fraud pact, and apply the appropriate prevention measures in the different platforms they hold.

Without prejudice to the provisions of Seventh and Eighth Clauses of the Service Provision Agreement in force (the "Contract"), it is the Client's obligation to use the contracted services solely for their personal use and not to use them at any time for the performance of Prohibited Practices.

It is strictly forbidden to use the voice, SMS and / or data services for Prohibited and / or Fraudulent Practices. Prohibited practices are considered, without prejudice to the provisions of Seventh and Eighth Clauses of the Contract for the Provision of Services in force, or the current legislation of each country of nationality of the recipients:

  1. The impersonation of legal or personal identity through SMS, e-mail or Voice, including the use of senders or content in the text that identifies the origin of the message erroneously, incurring identity theft.

  2. The commercialization, resale or any form of exploitation without prior authorization by the communications regulatory entity of each country, Net Real Solutions SLU, ATENEA MOBILE S.A.S. or, in any case that does not comply with the provisions of the applicable Law in each country.

  3. The use of links to web pages that aim to collect personal data from users or bank details, provided they are not expressly authorized by Atenea Mobile SAS or Net Real Solutions.

  4. Sending communications to users who have not expressly requested it and / or for whom no justification for this express consent can be provided.

In case it is detected that the user incurs in any of the indicated behaviors, Net Real Solutions SLU and ATENEA MOBILE SAS, reserve the right to exercise the administrative, civil and / or criminal actions that correspond to the law; including, those corresponding to the repair of damages caused to Net Real Solutions SLU and ATENEA MOBILE SAS, being able to suspend or cancel the provision of the services, totally or partially, temporarily or definitively.

If You have received an SMS, e-mail or any communication through our channels that violates any of the 4 points defined above, please notify alert@nrs-group.com, so that we can initiate a timely investigation.



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